Remote work can be both a good and bad thing for DEI efforts — here's how to make it beneficial for your employees

by Nika White

Remote work has taken the business world by storm. Now, more jobs are remote than ever before. But what impact does remote work have on your company's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals? There are some pros and cons I've seen that may inform your perspective on remote work and its impact on DEI.

As a 100% remote business owner, my consultancy has thrived. But it hasn't been without challenges. So, we'll explore why remote work can be a good (and bad) thing for DEI and strategies I use to keep DEI a focus in my remote business. 

How remote work can promote DEI 

Remote work allows your business to hire a more diverse workforce

Remote work can allow you to hire people from all walks of life. There are talented people all over the country and world who, for a myriad of reasons, can't leave their current geographic location to work for your company in-person. 

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Gabrielle M. Brackett