NCET Biz Tips: Marketing Communications Agility in a Post-COVID World

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by Chrisie Yabu

The world of marketing communications has had to adapt rapidly — more so than ever before. Proactive and reactive strategies are needed to respond to a global crisis while being delivered at lightning speed.

I remember when the news cycle went haywire at the beginning of the pandemic. I’m glad our clients looked to KPS3 for strategic guidance. Having no playbook for a pandemic crisis, we had to rely on experience, industry knowledge and the same guiding principles that always led us to do insights-driven work. It was heads-down from there for many months, listening and learning to keep our clients and their good work on track despite an uncertain world.

Marketing communications or “marcom” is, essentially, targeted interaction with customers and prospects using one or more communications channels: advertising, public relations, social media, websites, digital media and promotions, ensuring all forms of communications are integrated. Throughout the pandemic, companies who employed the following strategies were the ones who continued to survive and even thrive. As we look to marcom in an ever-changing world, keep these strategies in mind.  

1.            Maintain your marketing presence and get the word out 

Many-a-time, I was asked what the appropriate messaging should be during the height of the chaos. Although messaging was dependent on each client and their industry, communicating the right message needed to be thoughtful and appropriate with safety and transparency in mind. It was certainly not a time to go radio silent with key audiences.  

Instead, it was a time to be proactive, re-tailoring communications or creative to adapt. There were also opportunities to pitch good news to the media, even as constrained as it may have been. As we were constantly monitoring the media and industry landscape, we found ways to embrace opportunities during the height of uncertainty, whether it be COVID-related or, at times, not. 

2.            Iterate and optimize 

If you maintained an agile mindset and iterative approach to marketing communications during all of 2020, then you’re likely in pretty good shape today.

At KPS3, we had various clients who were running campaigns successfully. When COVID-19 hit, we had to re-think things through the lens of the pandemic and how it was affecting each audience. Some clients hired us during COVID-19 to help with marketing communications specific to a pandemic initiative. It was truly necessary to pivot, refine and veer in an uncharted direction. We relied on data, such as Google analytics, earned media insights and social media engagement to continually optimize. The pace at which this is now done is even more critical given the speed and vast reach of social media. Those businesses that had a "set-it-and-forget-it" mentality to their marketing were left behind. They didn't evolve to the changing environment. 

3.            Continue to use multi-channel marketing 

We like to approach a challenge with a healthy mix of digital marketing, traditional advertising and public relations. In a COVID world, community outreach was also an important approach, even though it was done virtually, for the most part. And even today, we're continually adapting based on the ongoing changes to current guidelines. 

Also, those who leveraged owned channels with data-informed content and implemented earned media strategies were more likely to amplify their message while maintaining positive sentiment. I am adamant that applying this foundational integrated marketing approach before the pandemic, during and beyond is the best approach to meeting your marcom challenges. 

Learn more about this topic at NCET’s virtual Biz Bite on June 23 from noon to 1 pm with virtual networking from 11:30 am until noon. NCET is a member-supported nonprofit organization that produces educational and networking events to help people explore business and technology. More info here.

Chrisie Yabu is vice president of public relations at KPS3 (, where she serves as a communications advisor and strategic partner for clients spanning many industries.

Dave Archer