5 habits leaders should adopt to energize employees

by Mark Gregory and Alex Lewis

To build high engagement, there are two fundamental principles you must accept.

The first is that engagement is a set of habits, and the second is that trust is at the root of every relationship.

If you don't accept these principles, you can try to build engagement by following the advice in this book but be warned; it will feel as though you're pushing water uphill with a fork.

We lay down five fundamental habits for CEOs.

1. Provide a compass, not a map

People protect what they build. Leadership is characterized by initiative and action. It traditionally presents an example for others to follow, a route to a particular place.

As leaders, our instinct is to take our teams by the hand and help them safely across the battlefield. Our logic is to show them how to do what we managed to do, and it's natural to want to save them from common landmines. We have the belief that if we did it, they can too.

Isn't it the responsibility of the leader to explain to others the best method to achieve the goal?

Read the entire article on Business Insider: https://www.businessinsider.com/habits-leaders-should-adopt-to-energize-their-employees-2021-4

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Gabrielle M. Brackett