NCET Biz Tips: Implementing a Thought Leadership Plan


by Emily Bacheller, Social Media Business Partner at Renown Health

Thought leadership is a form of content marketing that utilizes the voice of someone inside your business to speak to the big questions facing your industry. Have you considered implementing a thought leadership plan at your organization? Maybe you’re interested in thought leadership but don’t know where to start. Here are actionable steps you can take to make thought leadership a reality:

  1. Choose your thought leader: Selecting a thought leader is much like choosing a spokesperson for your brand. They should be a reputable expert in their field who holds a senior-level position at your organization. They must understand that thought leadership will require time and energy. They should be open to having a presence on social media and willing to accept speaking engagements.

  2. Know your audience: Be specific about who you want your thought leadership efforts to reach and tailor your content accordingly. Are you trying to reach locals in the Reno-Sparks area, or is your goal to position your thought leader as a national expert in your industry? Understanding your audience and what matters to them will influence your content creation and distribution strategy.

  3. Create and execute a content plan: After you’ve determined who your audience is, decide which platforms your thought leader will utilize to post and share content. For example, you could focus solely on social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn. Or you could broaden your reach with a proprietary blog. You can even pitch thought leadership content to local or national publications!

  4. Speak to the issues that matter: In order to create authentic content that engages, speak to topics that matter to your thought leader and audience. What top-of-mind topics are your audience talking about and how can your thought leader join the conversation?

  5. Don’t be afraid to interact: Social media is an important element of any thought leadership plan. Social media is a two-way platform for communication, so encourage your thought leader to follow other thought leaders in your industry on social media and engage with their content. Liking and commenting on other people’s posts and replying to comments on your thought leadership content can build trust and relationships with your audience.

  6. Make it personal: A benefit of thought leadership is that it can humanize your business. This means that your thought leader should be willing to showcase their personality and share things and ideas that are important to them. Maybe this means taking a stand on an issue that’s important to them, or sharing a photo of their pets or family on social media. Getting personal can foster trust and make it easier for potential customers to relate to your brand.

Emily Bacheller

Emily Bacheller

Learn about thought leadership at NCET’s Biz Cafe on February 19 at Rounds Bakery. NCET is a member-supported nonprofit organization that produces educational and networking events to help people explore business and technology..

Emily Bacheller is Social Media Business Partner at Renown Health ( who is accredited in public relations.

Chris Ewing