NCET Biz Tips: The Top 4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Social Media


Social media is a wonderful tool for any business to increase their digital fingerprint across the internet. Here are the top four reasons to get started today with social media in 2020!

  1. It’s MORE Cost Effective Than Traditional Media
    A 30-second spot during Super Bowl 2020 cost $5.6M. Advertising on Facebook starts at $1/day! Facebook offers free credits to try advertising on its platform. These types of offers will appear in your newsfeed with a mockup of your most engaging post. Investing in larger budgets allows Facebook to reach more audience on your behalf. When experimenting your way to success, it’s ok to start small.

  2. Social Media Increases Brand Affinity
    When users choose to engage with your social media channels, they are actively building their own brand loyalty for your products and services. The most important step you can take as a brand to capitalize on this momentum is to actively respond to all comments, messages, and reviews that you receive from customers and prospective customers. Social media can be a wonderful tool to drive a deeper connection with your customer base while providing insight for future customers who stumble across your feed as to how you treat customers who interact with your brand.

  3. Social Media is The NEW Word of Mouth
    When a friend asks for recommendations on social media, it’s natural to want to refer companies you trust due to positive experiences. Your more technically savvy friends will “tag” the business in the post, making it easy for the asking user to click through to the business’s social media page. If your business is tagged in a post like this, you should receive a notification allowing you to respond to these opportunities quickly. Always thank the referee for the referral and offer to help their friend. Even if their friend does not choose your business, you will make a good impression to other readers of the post, which could lead to future business!

  4. Reputation Matters
    Reno is the Biggest Little City – and reputation matters! ALWAYS respond to reviews, period. Yes, even the bad ones. More importantly, think about what actions you can take as a business to improve your processes and customer interactions to drive positive reviews. You will never make every customer happy – but reasonable review readers are pretty good at sousing out the crazy. That being said – when you know your business could have served the customer better, apologize for the experience and offer to take the fight offline. Even though you may not change that individual’s mind, the way you handle criticism can turn a potential critic to a fan of your brand.

Cinammon Davies

Cinammon Davies

Learn how and where to start with your social media at NCET’s Biz Bite on February 26. Cinammon Davies is an Account Executive at LOCALiQ ( and NCET’s VP of Social Media. Tickets and more info at

Chris Ewing