Have you heard? Nevada’s Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (NCET) has moved its monthly Biz Bite luncheons to the Reno Public Market. Post-Covid, our engagement wasn’t hitting the mark. We needed to do something different to attract more participants, and we needed to listen to our members…
Read MoreEOS, the Entrepreneurial Operating System, is a complete set of simple concepts and practical tools that help thousands of entrepreneurs around the world get what they want from their businesses. Implementing EOS will help you and your leadership team get better at three things…
Read MoreOn Jan. 3, Joe Lombardo was inaugurated as the 31st governor of Nevada. With that, we entered into a new era in state government, namely, an era that sees power divided between the two parties. In other words, a divided government…
Read MoreThe strength of community relationships is crucial for the success of the Nevada Wolf Pack athletics program.
Read MoreThe payment deferral period for millions of dollars secured with COVID-Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) here in Nevada is starting to sunset. So, what are you to do?
Read MoreBefore the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us took the supply chain for granted. In fact, many people didn't think of the logistics industry at all, much less appreciate its importance to our economy.
Read MoreA majority of the legislation that affects your business’ day-to-day operations probably comes from one place. Chances are it is not coming from city hall, and it is probably not coming from Washington, D.C. If you live and work in Nevada, it probably comes from Carson City…
Read MoreThere will be a million post-mortems on this election and it’s much too early to get a clear data set of voters and their preferences yet, but here are some of my musings and meanderings…
Read MoreOpen enrollment can be a confusing and sometimes overwhelming time for health insurance consumers deciding what coverage they should choose for the following year. Let’s break it down…
Read MoreConsumers love video. It’s more engaging and holds attention longer than photos. Video allows more creativity…
Read MoreMelissa Saavedra serves as program manager for the Lieutenant Governor’s Office of Small Business Advocacy (OSBA) where she advocates for small businesses in Northern Nevada. She will serve as co-Vice President of Biz Bite and Special Events along with Nicole Berwager.
Read MoreSmart digital marketers, even small business people who manage their own marketing, will be paying close attention to these five evolutionary trends in the next year…
Read MoreRedwood Materials as a company is creating a closed-loop, domestic supply chain for lithium-ion batteries across collection, refurbishment, recycling, refining, and remanufacturing of sustainable battery materials…
Read MoreAs Nevada continues its recovery from the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, those of us who work in public service are proud of the ways that the state supported tens of thousands of its small businesses and thousands of its homeowners during troubled times…
Read MoreLean is responsive process excellence. The response is process improvement, but how do you find something to respond to? Building a Lean firm is building a culture that continually generates something worth responding to…
Read MoreBy removing the pilot from the equation with unmanned aviation, there is an absolute need to replace that capability. Enter Iris Automation based in Reno with its Casia technology being the only commercially available machine vision detect and avoid (DAA) technology in the world…
Read MoreGrowing up in a small business was one of the best, and truly one of the most foundational of experiences…
Read MoreAs we head into the spooky season, here are some tricks and treats to help small business owners from becoming a horror story…
Read More“Going Global” doesn’t necessarily mean expanding your offerings so that everyone has access regardless of where they purchase. Harnessing global intel in order to grow northern Nevada businesses is a lot easier…
Read MoreToday, The Generator has gone beyond its roots and developed into a multigenerational community art hub for young and old where everyone can join together to create amazing projects…
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