NCET Biz Tips: Time to Consider Audio Content

NCET helps you explore business and technology

By Brook Bentley

Brook Bentley

Brook Bentley

When it comes to building website traffic, one of the most important areas that you will spend time, money, and effort is content marketing. A strategic marketing approach focused on valuable content to attract an audience, seems easy enough, right? Well, what happens if your current content marketing efforts are growing stagnant? Considering an audio content strategy might be the next step.

More people are incorporating podcasts into their daily routines, work commutes and more. According to Musicoomph, 51% of the U.S. Population has listened to a podcast ( That number is projected to grow in the years to come, which means podcasts are quickly becoming a viable marketing channel.

One of the biggest reasons podcasts have grown in popularity is due to the mobile shift. People are using their phone for an increasing number of activities over their desktop or laptop. As search engines, social media and more, adjust algorithms to cater to mobile first, businesses must adjust too.

Podcasts are also changing marketing. Many businesses that believe in the power of content have blogs where they can post a variety of valuable content to attract readers and possibly customers. Blogs and written content provoke a lot of thought. Podcasts are more discussion focused and tend to produce a conversation. Plus, they tend to be easier to produce since they are more conversational rather than written.

Another factor is that people want to multitask. In a world where people appear to be busier than ever, podcasts make it easy for people to get as much done as possible. As people rely more heavily on mobile devices, it has become easier than ever to access download and listen to podcasts just about anywhere. This makes it easy to listen during a commute, as part of a workout, while doing housework, etc.

While a podcast might not be right for every business or industry, incorporating it into a marketing strategy can be pretty simple.

Here are three things to consider in your audio strategy, because, as with any marketing strategy, there should be a plan.

  1. Equipment: Investing in quality equipment is important and becoming easier and more affordable than ever as technology improves.

  2. Commitment: Commit the time to consistently create relevant, informational, high-quality content. This may take a fair amount of planning, research, and development. The goal is to have the content pertain to your business while finding a connection with consumers interests, both educational and entertaining. This sweet spot will make consumers more likely to engage with the podcast.

  3. Platform: There are a growing number of podcast platforms out there but some may be more relevant to your industry and target audience than others.

Podcasting is growing and becoming a popular marketing strategy, so, take a look at your content strategy and see where audio content might fit.

Brook Bentley is NCET’s VP of Social Media and Image Management. NCET is a member-supported non-profit that produces educational and networking events to help people explore business and technology.

Chris Ewing