NCET Biz Tips: 3 Simple Ways to Put the Human Touch on Your Hiring Process
by Lindsay Bradley
We have all been a jobseeker at some point in our career, and boy, things sure have changed. Gone are the days of grabbing the Wednesday edition of the newspaper and mailing your resume or dropping it off in person. While I will admit searching for a job has gotten easier with technology, there are a lot of things I sure miss about the “old” days. One of which was getting a call from an actual human (gasp!).
Somewhere along the way, companies heard that taking the human touch out of the recruiting process was a good idea. I am pretty sure those of us who have spent numerous hours combing job postings only to guess what the salary range is, tailoring our resume multiple times to match what we believe aligns with the “ideal” candidate would wholeheartedly disagree. And just when we thought the process couldn’t possibly get worse, we are forced to duplicate our information into an online portal and cross our fingers the algorithm will be in our favor. We finally make it to the end of the hiring obstacle course reminiscent of an episode of American Gladiators, and what comes next isn’t exactly encouraging.
We have numerous media for communication, yet companies think it’s okay to leave candidates in the dark, even after conducting an in-person interview. I am talking Crickets. Tumbleweeds. Goose Egg. Nada. Zilch. Bermuda Triangle darkness. I mean, what happened to the Golden Rule?
Do you really not know what you are willing (or have in the budget) to pay someone? I get that companies don’t want to pay more than they have to, but at this point, they may as well start using the 4-square method made famous by your neighborhood used-car salesman. They both show about the same level of genuineness, not to mention it wastes everyone’s time.
Companies often rely heavily on computer programs to tell them which candidates they should be interested in. Yes, an ATS (Applicant Tracking System) can be a great way to collect data and tell you who used your magical keywords on their resume, but I’m pretty sure it couldn’t tell you a lick about culture fit, attitude, or potential. Putting all your eggs in this basket to find a candidate sure screams fast, cheap, and easy. And what’s the point of having all this data, ahem, such as contact information if you don’t plan to use it to communicate?
To the companies who believe less is more when it comes to putting the human touch in their hiring practices- I hope you never have to be on the receiving end of these half-hearted processes you are enabling. I challenge you to step off your soapbox and instead step up your hiring game- for humanity’s sake.
Here are three simple ways to put the human touch back into your hiring process:
· Increase your communication. Keep track of your candidates and provide regular updates to EVERYONE. Be honest and helpful- this means giving feedback even if it's uncomfortable. Make a personal phone calls over sending an e-mail as much as possible and especially for those you have personally interviewed. Close the circle with everyone.
· Create more compelling job ads. Your ad should be written to attract suitable candidates – not everyone – so remove the fluff! Take out the laundry list of mundane responsibilities and replace with the fundamental skills (both hard and human skills-aka “soft” skills) you need this person to have. Use the correct industry/role lingo, share your company’s vision and culture, and at the very least- include a salary range.
· Utilize feedback surveys. Send a post-hire survey to understand where your hiring process needs improvement. If you aren’t getting quality candidates, it might be time to ask why. A simple survey costs nothing, and the insight is invaluable if you are willing to accept and act on the feedback.
Remember, your hiring process is a direct reflection of who you are as a brand, a company, and it undoubtedly sends a message about your culture. A poor recruitment experience paints a picture of your company for potential candidates, and I think 90’s pop icon Cher Horowitz would say it’s looking like a full-on Monet. “…from far away, it's okay, but up close, it's a big 'ole mess”. By using a more human-centric approach to hiring, you might be surprised at what happens to your retention rate, your talent pool, and your bottom line.
Learn about Elevating the Candidate Experience (and your Employer Brand!) at NCET’s virtual Biz Café on May 19 from 3:00 – 4:00 pm with virtual networking from 2:30 – 3:00 pm. NCET is a member-supported nonprofit organization that produces educational and networking events to help people explore business and technology. More info at
Lindsay Bradley is Vice President of Administration at LeisureQuip, Inc. ( and is passionate about optimizing cultures and increasing leadership effectiveness through human-centric strategies.