Startup MyKar wins UNR's 10th annual Sontag Entrepreneurship Competition
by Reilly Moss
Dawson Lamb, Akram Reshad, Gurjant Mand, Jacob Teems-Robinson and David Haulot, five undergraduate students at the University of Nevada, Reno, took home this year’s $50,000 grand prize at the 10th annual College of Business Sontag Entrepreneurship Competition for their company MyKar, LLC.
MyKar is a pick-up and delivery service designed to help automobile owners, struggling from prolonged and put-off maintenance, easily solve their automotive service difficulties.
MyKar aims to bridge the relationship between customers and automotive service providers through their convenient and innovative application.
Along with the Sontag Award, MyKar also won the first Dragonfly Energy Innovation Award, a new $10,000 prize funded by Sean Nichols and Denis Phares, co-owners of Dragonfly Energy.
Read the entire article in Nevada Today:
MyKar — co-founded by Dawson Lamb, Akram Reshad, Gurjant Mand, Jacob Teems-Robinson and David Haulot — is a pick-up and delivery service designed to help automobile owners, struggling from prolonged and put-off maintenance, easily solve their automotive service difficulties.