How setting aside free hours every day from meetings can improve your teams' productivity and mental health

by Lucas G’ Alcalde and Qayyah Moynihan

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Remote working appears to be here to stay. However, as we all start to get "back to normal," some companies are combining remote and office work. 

The challenge now, of course, is to coordinate this new normal and to ensure that companies remain productive while their employees have a good work-life balance. 

In addition, remote working has meant more meetings with more people, more emails, and longer working hours.  

Therefore, some companies have decided to implement rules in their working day to prevent workers from burning out. 

One of these measures is the so-called "core hours," when workers must be available for Zoom meetings, joint projects with other departments, or any other activity that involves teamwork.  

These hours would be set between 10 am and 2 pm, or 1 pm and 4 pm, although it depends on the company. However, they wouldn't exceed three or four hours a day. 

Read the entire article on Business Insider:

Gabrielle M. Brackett