NCET Biz Tips: What Do You Net from the Work of Networking?

Chuck Alvey

Chuck Alvey

When it comes to networking, those who think they can’t, probably could. And once they learn how, will love it. Those who think they are good at it, probably are not. Before you network there are five key check points you should consider. Check your attitude, your goals, yourself, your skills, and your targets. Anyone can network. Like other performance activities you need a goal and some practiced skills.

Check your attitude. There is an engraved rock on my desk: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right!” Walking into a group event, friends have stated, I just hate networking.  Then why are you here? Walking out of events, I have heard, “What a waste of time.”  If you truly don’t like networking AND do not want to learn how to do it right, then don’t go.

Check your goals. What do you mean by networking and if you did it correctly what would the result be? If you said, close customers, get real. If you said meet as many people as I can, ask yourself to what end. If you said, you want to truly connect with the right people, now we have a base goal to work from. Everything you need in a business relationship comes in the next quality conversation. I have learned that a few quality conversations can yield far more than dozens of shallow encounters.

Check yourself. Each person brings a unique personality to the event. Allow me to illustrate with birds. Eagle personalities are results oriented, confident, and direct. Eagles will get results. The Parrot is group-oriented, enthusiastic, and social. They own the room. However, Parrots may not be productive, flitting from perch to perch, making zero connections. If you are relationship-oriented, empathetic, and considerate, a Dove personality, you will take your time, listen, and probably make meaningful connections, though you will be shy and timid about doing so until the event is almost over. Owls are great at observing, but least likely to enjoy networking. Being detail-oriented, analytical, and organized, you should approach networking as an opportunity to gather data.

Check your skills. Once you figure out what your personality preference is, you can sharpen your skills beginning with asking the right questions, truly listening, and looking for relationship-building nuggets. It takes practice. Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.

Check your targets. You have a personality preference but so do those with whom you wish to network. First, pick your prey. The old joke about mixers is: just a bunch of salespeople trading cards. Look for the hook. Can the person you just met become a strong relationship: a customer or lead to new business? Learn how to quickly read their personality and adapt to them. A Parrot may not be one-upping you with his story echoing the one you just told, he is bonding with you. That owl may not be stand-offish being slow to respond, she may be taking time to digest what you said. Silence can be golden. Once you understand yourself, and them, connections come more easily.

Whatever your personality or networking preference, we will interactively demonstrate these checklist skills at NCET’s Biz Café at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center on Aug 18 from 3 to 4 pm with networking from 2 to 3 pm.  NCET is a member-supported nonprofit organization that produces educational and networking events to help people explore business and technology. More info here

Chuck Alvey is a Chair at Vistage International ( His mission is to help people discover their true selves by asking great questions.

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