NCET Biz Tips: The 2021 Nevada Legislative Session—What was That?

NCET Biz Tips: The 2021 Nevada Legislative Session—What was That? 

Well, that was weird. 

Tray Abney

Tray Abney

The 2021 Nevada Legislative Session concluded on Memorial Day and, true to pandemic form, it was the oddest session that we have ever experienced. 

When opening day arrived in February and the Senate and Assembly gaveled in to start their 120-day journey, we weren’t there to see it.  We were watching from our laptops at home.  Only legislators, staff and a few members of the media were allowed in, were allowed to personally interact with each other.  Lobbyists weren’t allowed to be in the lobby.  Or the hallways.  Or the offices of legislators or the committee rooms where bills are publicly discussed and debated on. 

In the “before times,” most of the business of the legislature was not done on camera in committee rooms or on the Assembly or Senate floors, it was done through personal conversations with lawmakers, constituents, interest groups, and…lobbyists.  And if it was difficult to schedule a meeting with a legislator we could wait outside their office for them, or outside a committee room, or wait for a brisk West Wing-style walk-and-talk as they rush from their office to the floor session. 

This year?  We could certainly still text or call those legislators that we have good relationships with (which is a core part of our job).  Otherwise, we were left with scheduling a zoom meeting through their attaché.  And if they couldn’t find a place on their calendar for you, tough luck.  You wouldn’t be able to find them anyway. 

And those hearings where the official work is done and where we are supposed to put our clients’ thoughts and concerns on the record?  We were allowed two minutes of verbal testimony over the phone. 

All of that being said, there are certainly some positives that came out of this Session.  Nevadans from across the state (or anywhere in the world) will be able to dial or zoom in to give testimony during legislative hearings.  The hybrid approach is here to stay and can certainly save time and money and miles for those (most of the state) who aren’t near Carson City.  It definitely opens up our seat of government to normal people, not just those who are paid to be there. 

There were major policy issues introduced, debated, and passed with just days left to go in Session.  While we were told this would be a Session focused specifically on money matters, they did not skip a beat!   

Legislators tackled landlord/tenant issues, affordable housing (and how to fund it), “ghost guns,” employer sick leave requirements and more: 

  • A mining tax increase deal was unveiled and passed.

  • A “public option” health insurance scheme was introduced, heard, and passed.

  • A bill that requires our resort industry to rehire laid off workers in a specified manner (getting dangerously close to creating a right to work at a certain place) was agreed to. 

  • Nevada’s per pupil funding was enhanced through a new funding formula.

  • Our employers were spared an unemployment tax increase through the use of federal stimulus dollars. 

If you attend the NCET Biz Bite event on July 28, you can hear all about these issues and more from me and my good buddy and fellow lobbyist Lindsay Knox with McDonald Carano.   

Learn about what happened at the Nevada Legislature this year at NCET’s virtual Biz Bite on July 28. NCET is a member-supported nonprofit organization that produces educational and networking events to help people explore business and technology. More info at 

Tray Abney is a partner with the Abney Tauchen Group (, which offers a wide range of services to help navigate Nevada’s complex political landscape.

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