14 Innovative Ways To Win Over New Customers With Content Marketing
By now, the evidence is clear: Compelling content is a crucial part of any marketing strategy. Sharing valuable content that your target audience craves boosts the chances of new customers finding your company organically as they search online for the information they need before making a purchase. However, there’s more to content marketing than posting frequently to social media. You can win their business if you can show how your offerings will serve their needs better than your competition’s can.
Grabbing consumers’ attention with content that then tempts them to look further into your company’s product or service takes some finesse. To help you develop a plan that ensures your content will stand out above that of others in your industry, we asked 14 members of Forbes Agency Council to share innovative strategies for bringing in customers through content marketing. Read their expert suggestions below.
1. Hyper-Define Your Target Audience
First hyper-define your target audience. Then, create hyper-curated content for that audience segment. Generic messaging and generic content targeted at a large pool of customers will not lead to results. When creating content, the more focused the messaging, the better the results will be. Create a funnel specific to your audience segment, from top-of-funnel ads to landing page copy to email campaigns. – Krishan Arora, The Arora Project
Read entire article at Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2020/10/01/14-innovative-ways-to-win-over-new-customers-with-content-marketing