5 costly and time-consuming mistakes to avoid when starting a side hustle or small business

by Jen Glantz

I started my business, six years ago, by accident. I had an idea for a unique wedding business, where strangers could hire me to be their bridesmaid, and decided to test that idea out by posting an ad on Craigslist. The ad drew hundreds of interested people to reach out to me and within a matter of days, I officially launched Bridesmaid for Hire.

Because I started my business so quickly, I found that in the first year I made many mistakes that cost me a lot of money and precious time. It's been six years since then and looking back, I wish I had avoided these costly errors from the very beginning.

If you're thinking of starting a side hustle, these are the mistakes I made that you should try to avoid.

Read the entire article on Business Insider: https://www.businessinsider.com/advice-mistakes-avoid-starting-side-hustle-small-business-2021-5

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Gabrielle M. Brackett