7 ways to save more and invest better, according to the experts

by Qayyah Moynihan and Marta Garijo

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Planning to save more and to make wiser investments is often something we think of towards the end of the month, when we see the money in our accounts dwindling — the problem is that it's not always easy to plan financially.

While experts tell us there are no magic tricks or miracle solutions to help you save quickly, they do advise that good planning practices and effective management will definitely help.

While you can use methods like Japanese Kakebo method to help you plan visually and to improve your saving methods, here are some other tips that may help you improve the way you save and invest.

Set objectives

Wanting to save $2,000 is not the same as wanting to save $10,000 — financial planning director at Abante Asesores, Paula Satrústegui, explained to Business Insider that the first thing you need to do is to set goals and know exactly what it is you want to achieve with your savings.

Read the entire article on Business Insider: https://www.businessinsider.com/7-ways-to-save-more-and-invest-better-according-to-the-experts-2018-8

Gabrielle M. Brackett