Rock the Ratio: Understanding the Size Rules on Social Media

By Trina Gold

Wanna make sure your social media posts run? You’ll need to Rock the Ratio

Understanding the size Rules for Posting on Multiple Social Media Platforms

In visual media when we talk size, we talk ratio. Why? Because ratio can be scaled from a 4” mobile phone to a 27” computer screen without getting squished. So, it’s back to grade school with proportion and ratio.

Can you put a 1:1 ratio (a Square) video on YouTube? Yes, you can, but it looks awkward with the two vertical black bars on each side. Can you put a 16:9 Landscape on Instagram? Yes, but if it’s a paid ad, your view numbers will reflect, it will look awkward, and you will pay more!

Why is this even important? The name of the game in social media is reach. Knowing and using the proper video ratio will increase your numbers. More views/clicks/engagement for less money.  

(Facebook alert! After publishing this article FB announced ratio standards for ads. Mobile Feed 4:5, Instagram 1:1, Desktop 16:9 and Stories 9:16)

Social Media Platforms write their own individual rules, and if you want your ad dollars to do the work, you need to not only comply but “Rock the Ratio”. 

How do you start? Answer two questions. 

What do you want to say and who do you want to say it too?

Once you get the answers, the choice of platform should be clear, and that will lead you to the format best suited for that platform.

What all this means, and how can it help you? 

Size Matters – Here’s a quick guide to help you get the best post possible.

Here’s a quick view cheat sheet that lives on my desktop.

Now there’s a ton more about this and if you want to dig deeper, I wrote a Linked In article that “Rocks the Ratio” article

Time to dig deep and talk tech. 

Ratio – Golden, good and “get outta here!”

Now THIS IS IMPORTANT and I spend a lot of my time in constant research of what ratio to use.  What do you want to say and who do you want to say it to? It’s my daily, no strike that, hourly mantra. 

In the beginning there was SD – Standard Definition (4:3 ratio) 

But no… we wanted more.

So along came HD and the golden Ratio of 16:9 became “IT”.  YouTube being the all great power in the sky determined that the ratio of 16:9 was good and so we obeyed and uploaded in the millions. It’s a nice way to look at life in a nice long landscape, a feel good, golden proportion

Ah but not for long. All the great powers in the sky in the world of social streaming began to bicker and along came 1:1(square) because it looked good on the growing mobile population. And so on, and so on…. I provided a chart:


This FB chart resides on my desktop so I can use it as a check list for video uploads. It takes me nearly 4 hours to launch a new ad campaign after I have finished the original HD version video and provided thumbnails in every ratio.

And my day begins. 

16:9 – HD goes on my YouTube Channel and LinkedIn

1:1 goes on my Instagram – Sometime Facebook and/or LinkedIn

4:5 is my usual Facebook feed these days.

From here the information gets tricky, tech-y, and if you’re not into it. Terribly Boring.

So, I will spare you the in-depth tech talk here. If you do want to know more, check out my article on LinkedIn “Rock the Ratio.” I dive into the tech and terms you need to know to “Rock the Ratio.”

What all this means, and how can it help you?

It’s back to the mantra.

What do you want to say? And who do you want to say it too.

Once you get the answer, the choice of platform should be clear and that will lead you to the format and ratio best suited for your video needs. 

Chris Ewing