Nevada librarians catalog virtual reality content for worldwide access


Cathleen Allison/Nevada Momentum

Librarians from two states — joined by volunteers across the country — recently spent the day cataloging virtual reality en masse as part of the XRCatalog Hack-a-thon.

Nevada participants gathered at the Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records to input the first virtual reality content into WorldCat – OCLC, the world’s largest library catalog.

“As a state library, part of our job is to drive continuing education,” said Deputy State Librarian Tammy Westergard. “We’ve convened a group of motivated workers to catalog our virtual reality content, which gives access to libraries around the world.”

Libraries across the state have adopted virtual reality programs over the past two years, using one-time funding allocated by the 2017 Nevada Legislature.

“That funding has kick-started a powerful opportunity for Nevada libraries,” Westergard said.

The $500,000 was used over the last biennium for collection development, bookmobile services, statewide databases and emerging technology.

The Nevada Library Association asked this year’s Legislature for $1.5 million in permanent funding to continue the programs put in place over the past two years.

Lawmakers approved $450,000 in permanent funding during this year’s session, which concluded earlier this month.

While it was less than what the association asked for, libraries will be served.

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Chris Ewing