Looking to buy or sell a Nevada business in a pandemic?

by Kaleb Roedel

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From COVID fatigue to Zoom fatigue, Americans have been working to overcome all types and degrees of exhaustion throughout the pandemic.

For some small business owners, the exhaustion of operating a business during an economic crisis — filled with shutdowns, capacity fluctuations, and workforce shortages — has maybe even motivated them to investigate selling their company.

“Some people are just over it,” said Mike Bosma, managing principal at Keystone CPAs and business broker with M&A Business Advisors in Reno. “You talk about Zoom fatigue? There’s business fatigue. It seemed like at the onset of the COVID shutdown, every decision you were making seemed like it was life ending. And when you’re in that for such a long, protracted time, you’re just tired.”

As a result, the pace of retirement has accelerated drastically in the past year. According to data from the Pew Research Center, about 28.6 million Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) retired in the third quarter of 2020. That’s 3.2 million more than the 25.4 million Boomers who retired in the same quarter of 2019.

Read the entire article in the NNBW: https://www.nnbw.com/news/2021/jul/23/looking-buy-or-sell-business-pandemic/

Gabrielle M. Brackett