NCET Biz Tips: Beat overwhelm this holiday season with The Unhustle Wellbeing Guide

NCET explores business and technology

By Milena Regos


Do you want a jolly holiday season without getting overwhelmed this year? Follow our Unhustle guide and go through the holidays calmer and with more joy without the extra stress from family, obligations, work, and shopping. 

Without turning into the Grinch this year, make time for yourself and the important things in life. You’ll feel good when January 1st comes. 

Here’s the short version of the Unhustle Guide to the Holiday Season. 

1. Meditate 

Even a 5-minute meditation in the morning or evening is better than none. You don’t need to sit crossed-legged on the floor. Sit like you are going to watch Netflix, close your eyes and focus on your breath. Meditation is a simple and effective way to reduce anxiety and increase happiness.

2. Breathe

Box breathing is a technique Navy Seals use in combat mode to lower stress. Inhale and count to 4, hold your breath and count to 4, exhale and count to 4, wait and count to 4 before inhaling again. It’s simple. It works. When you feel your emotions going in the wrong direction, remember to do the box breathing technique. 7- 8 times to calm down. Watch the video where I show you how to do it.

3. Eat Well

Cook a healthy, nutritious meal with friends and family. Leave the phone on airplane mode and engage in a meaningful conversation (no politics allowed). Stay away from sugar and too much coffee. Skip the pumpkin latte at Starbucks and make this pumpkin soup instead. 

4. Opt for Meaningful Experiences

Opt for meaningful experiences instead of materialistic things. If you want that tropical beach experience, come stay with us in Baja this winter at our completely remodeled airstream. Details at Spend time with friends, go outside, plan a trip, pick up a new hobby, learn a new skill or a language, practice gratitude, read a book. 

5. Love the Cold 

Take a cold shower in the morning. Start with 5 seconds and build up to a minute. It will boost your immune system, lower your stress and inflammation and make you stronger. 

Follow these simple Unhustle practices to manage stress, avoid overwhelm and experience happiness, wellbeing, and joy this holiday season and into 2020. 

Of course, these tips are only the beginning. For more inspiration on how to go from burnout and stressed out to Unhustled, join me at the upcoming Biz Café on November 20 at Rounds Bakery.

Learn specific techniques about beating daily stress, overwhelm and burnout with scientifically proven and Unhustle tested practices on Nov 20. NCET is a member-supported nonprofit organization that produces networking events to help individuals and businesses explore and use technology. Register for the event and get more info at

Milena Regos is the Co-Founder of Unhustle®. Having experienced stress and burnout during her 20 year digital marketing career, Milena became a Certified Human Potential Coach and Biohacker. Unhustle stands up to 24/7 work culture to design a meaningful and sustainable life. It has been featured in CNN Business, Thrive Global, Medium and has a loyal community of 12,000.

Chris Ewing