2,567 high-paying jobs added in past fiscal year

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by Kaleb Roedel

In September 2020, when the economy was still hobbled by the pandemic, Mike Kazmierski, president and CEO of the Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada, was prepared for the organization to experience a down year.

Twelve months later, Kazmierski said he is “pleasantly surprised” at EDAWN’s success in attracting fast-growing companies with high-paying jobs to Northern Nevada despite pandemic-related challenges.

At the June 30 end of the 2021 fiscal year, EDAWN reported the companies it brought to greater Reno-Sparks for the year account for 2,567 primary jobs, surpassing its goal of 2,500.

The average annual wage of the wave of new jobs being created in the region is nearly $64,000, slightly below a goal of $65,000.

Kazmierski said the fact EDAWN stayed open throughout the pandemic played a major role in its ability to have a strong fiscal year.

“That’s been really important because a lot of the companies that are looking to leave California or expand want to physically see the community,” Kazmierski said in an interview last week. “And we’ve been able to do that with them, so that was a big part of it.”

Kazmierski was quick to note a “great community team” — from government agencies to education partners to business leaders — has been especially instrumental in EDAWN’s success.

Read the entire article in the NNBW: https://www.nnbw.com/news/2021/sep/01/edawn-2567-high-paying-jobs-added-past-fiscal-year/

Gabrielle M. Brackett