Do a self-assessment before buying a business

by Buzz Harris


Buzz Harris

“People should be less concerned with the difference between good or bad and right or wrong and more concerned with sense and nonsense.” — Carl Jung

Recently, I’ve written about the large number of people who dream about buying a business, yet only a small percentage of them actually do.

According to an informal survey at our firm, it appears that less than 8 percent of those who had intentions of buying a business ever did.

For such a big decision, a self-assessment should be made by those who think they want to buy a business.

At the top of the list, buyers need to take an honest inventory of their skills, knowledge and interests. Are they comfortable with interacting with the public or more content behind a desk? What are the technical skills or talents that they can incorporate into the business?

Read entire column in the NNBW:

Chris Ewing