Company plans to build $7.5 billion ‘smart mini-city’ in Las Vegas

By Cody Miller


The $7.5 billion Bleutech Park proposal plans to build a smart mini-city in Las Vegas. (Courtesy Bleutech Park)

An extremely ambitious $7.5 billion real estate project was announced July 31 and is already scheduled to break ground in December 2019.

Bleutech Park, sponsored by Bleutech Park Properties, Inc., will have net-zero buildings, according to a release, which will create an insular mini-city and featuring automated multi-functional designs, renewable energy sources, autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, robotics, supertrees, self-healing concrete structures and more high-tech gadgetry straight from a science-fiction movie.

The privately funded project, made possible by institutional and private equity investments, will take six years to complete, but promises to redefine the mixed-use environment with workforce housing, office and retail space, ultra-luxury residential, hotel and entertainment.

Green technology will showcase energy generation and storage, waste-heat recovery, on-site water purification and waste treatment as well as localized air cleaning. The company describes the mini-city as a high-tech biome that aims to change the future of design and give life to new technologies.

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Chris Ewing