Carson City data science company monitors global weather extremes

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by Faith Evans, Nevada Appeal

Though he’s based in the Adams Hub in downtown Carson City, Justin Huntington has eyes all over the world.

Without ever setting foot in a city, he could tell you which park has the best grassy field for kids to play on, or how a small, local farm could improve its irrigation schedule.

After all, he collects climate information for every quarter-acre-sized plot of land across the globe.

Huntington is the chief science officer and founder of Climate Engine, a data science company based in Carson City. Using information from satellites, Huntington and his colleagues can track climate change, sustainability, and landscape resilience.

“For the first time, it’s feasible to process these large amounts of spatial earth observation data,” Huntington said during a phone interview with the Nevada Appeal.

The level of precision that Climate Engine has achieved in parsing big climate data has proved invaluable for monitoring natural resources statewide and nationally. As an example, Huntington said he sometimes sees “opposite signs of drought occur at the same time within the same region.”

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Gabrielle M. Brackett