Ask NCET: Swag bags and working boards
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Peter Fishburn
Are Swag Bags Effective?
Should you place promotional items into a swag bag for events like golf tournaments, trade shows or other special events? To the chagrin of many people, I suggest companies and non-profits rethink this practice.
What do we see in a typical swag bag? Inexpensive / random items and leftovers from previous events with no specific purpose. What do the recipients do with these items? Glance at them, throw them away or give them away as their usefulness is limited. So, what have you or the event organizers gained?
For your company, is this the wisest use of marketing/branding dollars? Here’s a better opportunity that meets the goals of both parties: Make your promotional items effective by targeting them to a specific audience with a specific message and outcome. Companies should use their funds to target the people they meet by creating a promotional package that conveys the company’s brand and message to continue the customer development created by attending the event.
People don’t attend events for a swag bag unless it is the Oscars. Companies support fundraisers because they support the cause. To encourage their support, events should provide branding opportunities by offering promotional items that all attendees will covet. Offer the branding option to companies as a way to raise additional funds not originally available.
In the end, it is a win-win for both the event organizer and companies. This approach will both raise funds and provide strong branding opportunities.
Peter Fishburn with Brown & Bigelow has been in the promotions industry for over 25 years. He has helped business with their branding, marketing, and special event projects through the use of promotional products and apparel to be top of mind with their clients. (
I run a small nonprofit. Any tips for rebuilding my Board of Directors?
Dave Archer
“Working boards” are a great way for nonprofits to handle an organization’s marketing, membership, finance, and other tasks. (It’s worth noting that working boards remain governing boards as well.)
Here are some ideas on how to make that happen:
1. If you’re rebuilding your board, this is a good time to replace “at-large” board members with people who have specific skills and responsibilities.
2. Each Board position should have a job description with clearly defined metrics and goals – which should be tailored to each position.
3. Your board members have families, jobs, or other commitments, so be respectful of their time. At NCET, for example, we ask each board member to devote about two hours per week to NCET.
4. Consider having two people in each position. If someone resigns, the other board member can pick up their responsibilities until you can find a replacement. Otherwise, you’ll be doing their work until their replaced.
This is also a great time to restructure your board meetings to make the best use of your board’s time:
1. Have your board members submit their monthly reports in advance, which you can then consolidate and send out in a single report prior to each board meeting. This will significantly reduce the length of your board meetings.
2. Create an agenda in advance and limit the agenda items to policy and strategy discussions, and to items requiring formal approval.
3. Start and end your board meetings on time.
4. Set and enforce a maximum number of allowed board meeting absences.
Best wishes for much success as you move forward!
Dave Archer is President / CEO of NCET
NCET is Northern Nevada’s largest member-supported non-profit that produces educational and networking events to help people explore businesses and technology. (