Are you diving into paid ads? Here’s a primer

By Trina Gold


Are you diving into paid ads? Here’s a primer on why you need both.

Building an organic page is establishing your brand culture. It’s where your fans and people go to see what you’re up too and see if they can join in. Having a loyal base is essential and validating your business with a current presence to show it’s alive and thriving is key here.

A current social feed says a lot about your business.

It says:

You’re out there

You want people to know about you.

Clients are important to you.

Your Mission and and vision statement  in a natural organic way YOU ARE HUMAN


Paid ads 

But what about the people that don’t know you?

That is where paid ads come in. Built specifically for reaching out to people that do not know you.

New clients, new demographics. Its testing the waters to see if you can connect to a whole new group of humans.


How do paid ads work?

When was the last time you used anything but your phone or computer to find something? Anything? A paid ad campaign runs in the back ground 24/7 with audience parameters. We can control who sees your ad and how many times. At Big Water we use video to drive the ads because video ads go further faster and cheaper. 

There’s tons of data behind this fact. My goto, Hubspot.

I switch my clients video every 2 -3 weeks staying on the same topic or campaign for 3-4 months.

Holidays, I’ll throw in a special ad for just one week or as little as 5 days then right back to the regular program. These ads are structured, precise, A-B Tested, with purpose and are backed by tracking data  that tell you if the people you are talking to are even listening or are a good match for your business. Last but not least don’t forget.

Call to action

This is the main focus. People need to know what they are being asked to do.  The CTA needs to be clear and polite. Then it is their choice to opt in or opt out. My goal in advertising is to connect to clients who want and need my services. 

Do you really want a client who was tricked into signing up? Who needs the headache?

What should your CTA’s be?

Brick and Mortar – It’s all about getting someone who would love what you offer connected to you and in the door.

Real Estate – Focus on gaining trust, knowledge and exposure that brings in the buyer or seller.

Service Industry – Get to the people that need your service and guiding them to the information they need to book an appointment or call for service.

Restaurant –  Show that you care about your patrons having the best experience and a really fun time.

The beauty of online advertising.

When something is flat and not performing you assess, pivot and change until you find success. It’s kind of like networking but on a huge scale. You’ll know in months what used to take years. The hard truth is you’ll actually know what is and is not working and that’s what really counts because It’s your hard earned dollars and your business on the line.

The goal is to get them in the door, become a fan and come back again and again.

To wrap it all up, yes you need an organic presence so keep posting. But, if you want to grow your business you’ll need to go on to paid ads. You don’t need to blanket the entire internet. Keep it tight. Be nice and clear on what you offer and what you want people to do. No trickery, yelling or fear farming.  Talk to your people and you will connect with people who want to be customers and love what you do.

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Want more information? I’d love to have a conversation.

Chris Ewing