7 phrases leaders should use more often to show vulnerability and build trust with their team

by Katie Burke

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As a leader, your energy has a profound impact on your team. The way you show up in meetings and 1:1s, and even the tone in your emails can influence psychological safety in your workplace — for better or for worse. That's why I often remind myself that words matter when it comes to building a high-performing, engaged, and inclusive team. 

In an effort to be more intentional about the tone I'm setting every day, I've discovered these seven phrases help convey gratitude, vulnerability, and trust. 

1. I appreciate you because ...

Gratitude is a powerful tool; consider that more than 40% of Americans said they'd put more energy into their work if they were recognized more often. Importantly, though, is that gratitude works best when it's specific. Don't just thank people for their contributions. Tell them one thing you especially appreciated about how they ran that meeting, collaborated on that project, or shared that update. Doing so makes people feel seen, and who doesn't love that?

Read the entire article on Business Insider: https://www.businessinsider.com/leadership-business-advice-gratitude-vulnerability-trust-team-2021-7

Gabrielle M. Brackett