NCET Biz Tips: Getting ready for big changes in digital marketing

NCET digital marketing event helps marketers meet technology’s new challenges

Abbi Whitaker, Jarrod Lopiccolo

Digital marketing — really, that includes anyone who sells anything in today’s world — always evolves quickly.  But the evolution is likely to be far more dramatic in the next year or so as new technologies and new strategies move to the forefront.

Just think of the major changes we’ve seen in recent months: Implementation of strict online privacy regulations by the State of California and the European Union. The explosion on the scene of ChatGPT and other artificial-intelligence tools. The controversial rise of TikTok as a key social-media platform. And no one doubts more big changes are just over the horizon.

Whether they work as a specialist in a large organization or handle digital marketing along with a multitude of other responsibilities in a small business, successful marketers must prepare today to meet the challenges that are quickly heading in their direction.

Among the questions digital marketers will face in 2024 and beyond:

  • What direction will Google head with its algorithms, and how will these changes affect search-engine optimization tactics?

  • As users increasingly skip ads, privacy concerns bring a “cookie-free” future for tracking and the new rules in California and Europe create difficulties in gathering data about users, what strategies will allow marketers to maintain and improve the performance of their digital campaigns? 

  • As artificial intelligence and machine learning become more essential, how important are human emotions and user experience in successful initiatives?

  • How crucial is presence on Tik-Tok and other social platforms, and can marketers use social media to drive sales directly?

  • What’s the importance of content marketing, and how can organizations create effective content for a reasonable cost?

  • Is it necessary to invest in an outside professional to build a Web site or can do-it-yourself platforms do the job? And, no matter who creates the site, what are the most important elements and technologies that meet the need of today’s users?

  • In the battle for top talent in many fields, can marketers use the same digital strategies to attract new employees that they use to attract new customers? Or do they need to start from scratch?

  • How should public-relations strategies evolve to provide the most effective support to today’s digital marketing?

  • Most important of all, what new and improved skills will allow marketers to stay ahead of the competition as the digital environment undergoes significant change?

All this promises exciting times for digital marketing professionals who are ready for a new era.

Jarrod Lopiccolo is chief executive officer and co-founder of Noble Studios. Abbi Whitaker is president and co-founder of The Abbi Agency.

Learn more at NCET’s 8th Annual State of Digital Marketing presented by Noble Studios and The Abbi Agency on Nov. 1. Edward Estipona of Estipona Group moderates, and panelists include Ashley Behre of The Abbi Agency, Tyler Bourns of Dragonfly Energy, Stuart Maas of Visit Lake Tahoe, Wesley McQuillen of Alter Strategies, Scott Oxarart of Northern Nevada Public Health and Danni Winter of Noble Studios,.

NCET is a member-supported nonprofit organization that produces educational and networking events to help people explore business and technology. More info at

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