Crisis Communication
Jackie Shelton – Estipona Group
Wednesday, Apr 21 – Free Live Stream from 3 pm – 4 pm
Online Networking from 2:30 – 3 pm
Registration Info below
Jackie Shelton
If this last year has taught us anything, it’s that crisis can happen to any of us — at any time. The way to help your businesses survive (and sometimes even thrive) is to anticipate what you can, and have a plan. A big part of that plan is knowing what you’re going to say and to whom.
Join Estipona Group Vice President of Public Relations Jackie Shelton as she takes you through the elements of a crisis communication plan. When you’re done with this interactive session, you’ll be better prepared to identify the chinks in your company’s armor and how to address them in case of an emergency.
Jackie’s presentation will help you identify:
What could go wrong
Different groups of stakeholders
What to say to each group
And how to best communicate with them
About our speaker:
In her 30-year career, Jackie Shelton has worked in all facets of communications from running two advertising agencies to publishing two of the Northern Nevada region’s premiere publications, RLife and Family Pulse.
Jackie is currently serving as VP of PR for the Estipona Group, where she gets to handle strategic communications and event planning for clients ranging from governmental agencies to healthcare and higher education providers. She currently serves on as a board member for WIN and the Cordillera International Film Festival.
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Apr 21, 2021 02:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.