Creating Community, One Bite at A Time
Michael Tragash - Yelp
Wed, Jun 22
Speakers: Noon - 1 pm
Networking: 11 am - Noon
Michael Tragash
What's on your plate? - What we eat, where we dine, and the company we keep suggests a lot about who we are, and community in mind, it may also tell us which we belong to and who else is a part of it too. Defining community and community management.
A Tale of Two Pizzas - Sharing truly is caring. Establishing your your community based on a value first philosophy provides the strong foundation you need to build a successful community. What is a value first approach to relationships? Community Foundations (i.e. shared mission, values, goals) and how to identify your community members and approach community members.
Where should we go for dinner? - Why is it tough to get a group of close friends to agree on an answer to this question? Because everyone has different preferences, interests, and goals to consider. Finding the answer that'll make everyone happy comes down to finding a way to align these, and that process is similar to how you'll develop the roadmap for your community.
Who's picking up the tab? With a strong community behind you and your brand/business, you'll never be stuck with the check again. Your value first approach will be paying dividends long into the future and your community will pave the way toward future success as long as you keep them engaged by keeping the value seesaw in motion. Business benefits of Community and tools to establish engagement.
Reno-Sparks Convention Center
4590 S Virginia Street
Reno, NV 89502 (map)
Wed, Jun 22, Noon - 1 pm
11 am – Noon: Networking
Noon - 1 pm: Speakers
• $39 – NCET members
• $49 – General Admission